Editors’ page
Take 4 Triangular Tiles
Special Educational Needs - what are they? and how do we meet them?
Rachel Gibbons follows up some of the questions posed at the Equals presentation at Special Needs London last September. She suggests that before looking at How to teach we should explore the Why and What questions presented by our pupils. She explores an activity using 4 triangles to illustrate the point.
Ray Gibbons Memorial Award
Thanks to Rachel Gibbons
Mundher Adhami , Mary Clarke and Mark Pepper pay tribute to their friend, and the founder of Equals, Ray Gibbons.
The Renaissance of Cuisenaire Rods and Dienes MAB – Is this a positive development? Mark Pepper takes the long view as he reflects upon the use of some old friends within the mathematics classroom. Making a Change: Making a Change: How the Entry Level Certificate gives students the opportunity for success Kirsty Behan , who spoke very passionately about the difference this has made in her school, outlines the hope that has come to her pupils from the inclusion of this qualification in KS 4.
Editorial Team: Kirsty Behan Carol Buxton Lucy Cameron Mary Clark Alan Edmiston Peter Jarrett Louise Needham Mark Pepper Letters and other material for the The copyright for all material printed in Equals is held by the Mathematical Association Advertising enquiries: Janet Powell e-mail address: jcpadvertising@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 0034 952664993 Published by the Mathematical Association, 259 London Road, attention of the Editorial Team to be sent by email to: edmiston01@btinternet.com ©The Mathematical Association
Is That a Big Number?
Alan Edmiston is greatly impressed by this work by Andrew Elliot, read his review to find out why this was such a lovely read.
Agreed consistent methods for teaching mathematics at the Russell Education Trust (RET) Teresa Robinson (Lead Mathematics Advisor for the Russell Education Trust) shares some of the successful strategies her schools have been using to support the least able.
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Winter 2018
Vol. 23 No. 3
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